Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blemish Gel 30 ml
Inhouse product
TK 145.00 -
Onion Local -1kg
TK 85.00 -
Egg 1 Pc
TK 12.10 -
Moshur Daal (Imported) 1 kg
TK 108.00 -
Teer Soyabean oil-5 Ltr
TK 852.00 -
ACI Pure Salt 1kg
TK 40.00
• target spots, blemishes, and pore
• clean and radiant skin
• Gives beneficial effects and antiseptic properties
• Tree Blemish Gel helps to target spots, blemishes, and pore-clogging bacteria to give you a clean and radiant skin right away.
• The invisible blemish gel active ingredients include witch hazel, menthol & peppermint giving you a soothing, cooling & refreshing feeling.
• Comprising of Tea Tree Oil originating from Australia, it is a natural anti-bacterial agent believed to have a number of beneficial effects and antiseptic properties.
Apply the gel directly to spots and blemishes as they appear in the morning and at night. Ideal for -Keep Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Blemish Gel handy to give a tough fight to blemishes and pimples